Friday, November 27, 2009

Greetings from Pittsburgh

It's a grey November day outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania--the day after Thanksgiving. I'd love to be in my large and unruly basement re-packing my fall decor and wading through piles of boxes to pull out Christmas finery. But, alas, hosting Thanksgiving yesterday and blitzing through my house this morning to try and get things back into order has left me exhausted.

It's hard to be 5 1/2 months pregnant and maintain "Energizer Bunny" status...

It will all get done in time. I'm spending a little downtime on the computer to recharge the batteries.

In addition to a large freelance writing project looming over my head and all the holiday mayhem to come, I've got another big project for myself. I got Annie Berthold-Bond's "Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living."

I started making some of my own household cleaners a few weeks ago, and the ease and effectiveness just blew my mind. Not to mention the fact that that I was saving $$$ and NOT using toxic chemicals.

Annie's book provides literally hundreds of household tips and recipes for homemade stuff ranging from bathroom cleaners to facial products to milk paint. (Ok, I don't think I'll be making my own paint anytime soon!) Nevertheless, I dove in and have been making some of her simpler cleaners and facial products.

I'll be posting about her Basic Formula for All-Purpose Cleaner --both acid and alkaline versions -- along with the Basic Soft Scrubber Formula next time.

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